Quiz Section Class

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Materi Quiz section class berisi tentang

Actually the procedure for making and managing patents is not as complicated or expensive as imagined, indeed to be granted it takes a long time because of various considerations such as checking whether in other countries there have been similar patents or not, and various other technical reasons. Proposals for filing patents include the title of invention, background of invention, brief description of intellectual work found and technical drawings. Technical drawings accompanied by a brief description. Then equipped with abstracts and claims. This circuit is then called the preparation of patent specifications.
Patent specifications as a minimum requirement that must be included. The three conditions must be met to obtain a filing date, among which are fulfilling patent specifications, application forms and registration fees. As for other requirements as a formality, where this condition can be completed for three months after receiving the date of receipt. If the terms of the above points are complete, the inventor is just waiting for the results from DJHKI. Announcement will be published publicly after 18 months from the results of the submission. Patent applicants while waiting for the announcement are published in the official news on patents and official media. The goal is to find out about patented intellectual property rights. If the community or outside inventors object because they are deemed not to be eligible for patenting, they can submit in writing to DJHKI.
Especially for rejected inventors, it is permissible to appeal to the Patent Appeal Commission. Example Of The Simple Patent-A Official News with the Title of Invention: PROPEDER "Fire Fighting Robot Prototype"

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